Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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ID = .,"Text_Description"
The [disks] section specifies the disk identifiers associated with each file
in the information file. The section also maps each disk identifier to an
installation disk, and to a specific directory on the installation disk.
Parameter         Description
ID                Specifies a logical-disk identifier. It must be a single
                  decimal digit (1-9), or uppercase letter (A-Z). No more
                  than 35 identifiers are permitted. The logical-disk
                  identifier zero (0) is reserved for use by the Setup
Text_Description  Specifies an ASCII string identifying the physical disk.
                  Setup and Control Panel use this parameter to prompt the
                  user to insert the appropriate disk before copying files.
                  This parameter must be enclosed in double quotation marks
The period and comma (.,) immediately preceding the Text_Description
parameter are required.
This example defines two logical-disk identifiers: 1 and 2. Files associated
with identifier 1 are in the root directory of the disk labelled "Disk #1."
Files associated with identifier 2 are in the root directory of the disk
labelled "Disk #2."
1 =.,  "Disk #1"
2 =.,  "Disk #2"